Logistics Specialist

Elevate Your Logistics Operations With Expert Logistics Services

Askenish Holdings

From co-loading to warehouse management, our logistics solutions assist businesses in optimizing operations for today’s competitive market.


We provide expert advice for courier and logistics operations, we assist both emerging players and established companies striving for operational excellence.


Discover our advanced software for couriers who need a logistics system. It is complete with separate portals for both the courier and its customers.

Processed Over 3 Million Packages

Air Freight Co-loading
Sea Freight Co-loading
Customs Clearance

Get Started in Logistics

Interested in Warehousing or Starting a Courier?

Access our versatile warehouse management system to start receiving and processing packages for multiple courier businesses. Gain access to Tasoko, a logistic system enabling efficient management of your courier business and customers

Logistics Experts

Book a Free Consultation Today

Team of Software Engineers

Need a Website or Application?

Our dedicated team of skilled professionals is committed to delivering impactful and innovative solutions. Whether it’s cutting-edge courier and warehousing technology or comprehensive web design and hosting services, we’ve got you covered.